the long name of this stack Edit 380044004400FE00FE00FE00FE00FE00 Yes answer "Oops, not a playable Hypercard sound." with "Oh…" the version > 1.1 wait until the sound is "done" the visible of unlock screen with visual dissolve fast set lockScreen to false set lockMessages to false true tool window to this stack the message play stop STAK the long name of answer "Convert sound to HyperCard format?" with "No" or "Yes" or "Convert all" bytes show menubar show set cursor to 4 set cursor to busy ask "That number already exists! Enter another:" with " ask "That name already exists! Enter another:" with " answer "Oops, this resource file can’t be changed." with "Oh…" Renumber Rename ?" with "Yes" or "No" or "Cancel" answer "Remove Oops! This file contains too many resources for ResCopy to display. You can still work with the file, but some of the resources will not be displayed. push card pop card play " pattern window exists. Replace?" with "Renumber" or "Yes" or "No" exists. Replace?" with "Rename" or "Yes" or "No" exists. Replace?" with "Yes" or "No" answer "File or Volume is locked. Open read-only?" with "Yes" or "No" answer "I am missing some of my resources!" with "Oops" answer "This stack has no resource fork; create one?" with "Yes" or "No" answer "Not enough memory to play sound" with "OK" answer "Not enough memory to copy resource." with "OK" answer "Not enough memory to run ResCopy." with "Bye" No ask "New name for this resource:" with " ask "New number for this resource:" with " msg set lockscreen to true set lockMessages to true ” doesn’t have a resource fork and is locked. Error = Sorry, but the stack “ it " = "Home" the short name of " home Your changes to the Home stack have been recorded, but may not take effect until you quit and restart HyperCard. hide ResCopy Help AA55AA55AA55AA55 go to stack " go home go back go to this card gResCopySounds Convert all This stack cannot be opened. Try unlocking the file and/or the disk... answer "That file cannot be opened." with "Sorry" choose browse tool Cancel answer " answer "That file is locked or busy." with "Sorry" —— Lech Walesa (to the US Congress) is plentiful, but the demand is falling. Let deeds follow words now.” “I must tell you that the supply of words on the world market Steve Maller’s ResCopy Development Version